Clayburn School Plan: Enhanced Safety Measures
Dear Clayburn families, Jan. 7, 2022
Happy New Year! Last week, our Superintendent shared all students will return to school on January 10, 2022, after an extended winter break, allowing schools to adapt to the Omicrom variant that is affecting our province.
Over the last few days, our school has been busy preparing continuity of learning plans and enhanced safety measures in advance of students returning to school on Monday. It is with this letter that we wanted to remind families of our ongoing measures and share the enhanced protocols we are implementing to keep staff and students and safe.
Health & Safety Measures
Guidelines and existing protocols that have succeeded in minimizing the spread of the virus in schools include:
- Completing a daily health check and staying home when sick.
- Encouraging everyone who is eligible to get fully vaccinated.
- Using available space to spread out and to respect the personal space of others.
- Wearing masks in accordance with the Provincial Health Officer Order on Face Coverings. Please see the attached link for the do’s and dont’s of mask wearing.
- Cleaning hands regularly.
- Cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces at least once a day.
Our schools new enhanced health and safety measures will also include:
- Implementing strategies that prevent crowding during class transition and break times while continuing to use assigned entry and exit doors for all students.
- All entries, exits and locker visits will be teacher guided to ensure spacing between classes, and avoidance of locker congestion.
- Students will have reduced numbers of locker visits throughout the day
- Students will make use of exterior doors when accessing Exploration classes
- Maximize space between people through different space configurations.
- All classes have adjusted their seating arrangements to create space and avoid face-to-face configurations.
- Occupancy limits have been created for common spaces such as washrooms, the LLC (Library Learning Commons) and HUB.
- Continue to conduct gatherings and events virtually. If gatherings and events must be in person, minimize attendance as much as possible, do not exceed 50% operating capacity, and do not allow spectators.
- Pause extracurricular sports tournaments.
- Practices and games will continue, however at this time spectators will not be allowed.
- Any overlapping practices or games will have strategies in place to avoid intermingling.
- Limit visitors to those supporting activities that directly benefit student learning and wellbeing (Teachers on Call, teacher candidates, noon hour supervisors).
- Parent Meetings will be held virtually whenever possible for the time being.
- If you need to drop off an item for a student, you are asked to call the office at 604-504-7007, a staff member will meet you at the door.
- The canteen slated to open after Christmas break will remain closed until further notice.
We will start off next week with a virtual assembly for our students, introducing the specifics of our enhanced measures and giving reminders of previous expectations.
Next Steps
The health and safety of students, staff and our entire Clayburn school community remains a priority and it is imperative that we all make every effort to keep each other safe. As we continue to support one another to remain healthy this winter, we remind you to conduct a daily health of your child for symptoms of communicable diseases such as congestion and/or a sore throat. A specific site that can be helpful to use with a detailed list of symptoms to be aware of is the BC K – 12 Health Check website. As we did at the beginning of the year, please only send your child to school each day when they are free of symptoms. If your child is displaying any symptoms, please keep them home.
Please note we have masks available if your child forgets to bring theirs to school, or for a back-up when their mask gets dirty or wet throughout the day. We ask them to ask their teacher, a school adult, or come to the office.
At this time, the changerooms will be closed and students will not be required to change for these classes. When able, students will be participating in activities outdoors and our nutrition break and lunch will continue to be outdoors. Please ensure that your child has weather appropriate clothing.
On a non-COVID related note, we also wanted to let you know that road conditions traveling to and around the school, as well as parking on Laburnum has been limited with the large snowfall. An already tight area now has reduced space. Please be aware of this and be patient as we wait for this snow to melt.
Between the flood, and ongoing and new COVID concerns, it has been a challenging year. We are grateful for your continued support and understanding. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Heather Reid - Principal
Nic Cochrane - Vice-Principal