School Fees

Clayburn's Basic School Fee for the 2023-24 school year is $30.  This school fee covers the costs of student agendas, guest speakers, student ID cards, school events, student recognition, student leadership, lock and locker rental.  School Fees are due by October. 

  • There may be an additional Band fee for students enrolled in Band only. 
  • Yearbook prices for the 2023-24 are to be determined and usually cost around $35.

Students are responsible for all textbooks assigned to them or library books they sign out during the school year. At the end of the school year, textbooks and library books must be returned in good condition or the student may be asked to pay for the cost of replacing the materials. 

School fees and Year Book purchases, field trips, and athletic fees can be paid online through the district's SchoolCashOnline.  If you have not registered, please go to the School Cash Online Home page and select the "Get Started Today" option.

Any damage/vandalism done to these school-owned items by the student are subject to any costs related to fixing the damage. Parents/guardians will be invoiced accordingly by the School District's maintenance department.

Our PAC also provides the opportunity to contribute funds to the PAC when school fees are paid. This contribution would be in lieu of participating in any PAC fundraising activities. This optional contribution is also indicated on the fee envelope. Should parents/guardians choose to make a contribution to our PAC, please make the cheque out to the Clayburn PAC.